Thursday is the 50th anniversary of the Good Friday Earthquake, and to commemorate that 9.2 magnitude event, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Great Alaska ShakeOut, and earthquake drill.

Participation can be as easy as a one-minute “drop, cover and hold on” at 1:36 p.m. Thursday. Those who want to do more can add on to that basic response drill.

To register for the drill, go to

Also Thursday, there will be emergency alert tests of the tsunami warning system. People listening to the radio that day should listen carefully to make sure it is an alert.

In Ketchikan on Friday, emergency response personnel will conduct an exercise.

The scenario starts with a large earthquake that might have damaged Ketchikan Lakes Dam, a fuel tank spill and fire at PetroMarine, and structural damage to a bridge, cutting off vehicle access to and from North Tongass Highway.

The drill is for local officials to practice their ability to provide timely information to the public in case of an emergency. Local media have been asked to participate, as well.