The U.S Army Corps of Engineers has opened a comment period for proposed road upgrades on northern Prince of Wales Island.
The approximately 12 miles of road work starts at Neck Lake and ends at Sarkar (Sar-car) Creek. The purpose is to upgrade and expand the existing dirt road to improve safety. It would include widening the road by two feet, and paving it. New features would include signs, guardrails, shoulders and pullouts.
The work also would involve retaining walls and access roads, as well as about 70 replacement culverts. Some culverts would be upgraded to improve fish passage. Two new bridges are planned at Chum Creek and Tunga (tunn-ga) Creek.
According to the Army Corps of Engineers, the project would not harm endangered species or fish habitat.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation also has reviewed the permit application, and has determined the project would not harm water quality.
The comment period ends March 14.
For more information or to comment, contact Estrella Campellone at 907-753-2518; toll free from within Alaska at 800-478-2712; by fax at 907-753-5567; or by email at