An ordinance that would limit the number of retail marijuana stores in the city to two is in front of the Ketchikan City Council on Thursday.
During its last meeting, the City Council asked staff to come back with an ordinance limiting the number of pot shops in the downtown area to two. The proposed ordinance, however, covers the entire city. The City of Ketchikan doesn’t have zoning powers, so can’t designate certain areas off-limits.
But, because of Ketchikan Gateway Borough and State of Alaska zoning rules regarding marijuana businesses, there are very few areas in downtown Ketchikan where a pot shop could open. One spot on Stedman Street at the former Thai House restaurant already has been claimed for a future marijuana retail store, and the permitting process for that store has begun.
The ordinance limiting marijuana retail stores in city limits is up for introduction on Thursday. If it passes, it will need to come back for a second reading before it can be adopted.
Also Thursday, the Council will decide whether to put out a request for proposals for how to use the Ketchikan Regional Youth Facility after the state vacates the building in mid-September. In a memo to the Council, City Manager Karl Amylon suggests that the RFP ask for proposals that would address behavioral health, social services or substance abuse issues.
Another item on Thursday’s agenda is the formation of a task force to investigate the issue of homelessness and chronic inebriation. Suggested members of the task force represent the City Council, city and borough management, state agencies, business interests, local tribes and nonprofit organizations.
Thursday’s Ketchikan City Council meeting starts at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting