The forward half of the Alaska Class Ferry Tazlina moved out of the assembly hall at the Vigor Alaska shipyard in Ketchikan. (File photo by Leila Kheiry)
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly meets Monday in regular session, just a couple days after a two-day planning session.
On the agenda for Monday is consideration of a citizen request that the borough start charging the shipyard property tax. The request was submitted by Harlan Heaton,
The Ketchikan Shipyard is owned by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, and is managed by Vigor Industrial. Because it’s owned by a state agency, it’s exempt from property taxes.
But, the State Assessor has determined that the exemption is optional, and therefore has included the shipyard in the borough’s taxable property value, which affects how much the borough is required to provide for public schools.
Whether the property tax exemption is mandatory or optional is pending a court ruling. But, according to a memo from borough staff, the borough could pursue a voluntary agreement with Vigor to provide some kind of payment in lieu of taxes.
The item is on the agenda for discussion, and possibly to obtain direction from Assembly members.
Monday’s meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in Borough Assembly chambers. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting.