A view of downtown Ketchikan, seen from the cruise ship Vaandam. (KRBD photo by Leila Kheiry)
An ordinance that spells out how and when relatives can work together for the City of Ketchikan is in front of the city council on Thursday.
The ordinance states that any applicant for a city job who is related by blood, marriage or adoption to another city employee will be given equal consideration. The only exception is if the relative would have to supervise that employee.
The ordinance also states that if employees become related – by marriage, for example – and one already is a supervisor, the other must be transferred to another department or division, or someone has to resign.
The issue came up during a previous council meeting. The full proposed ordinance can be read here.
Also Thursday, the council will discuss whether to increase the budget for the Berth 3 improvement project. The current budget is about $3 million. The contractor, Turnagain Marine Construction, has suggested adding up to $820,000 for spray coating and sealant work beyond the scope of the current contract.
Consulting firm Moffatt and Nichol has reviewed the proposals, according to a memo from Port and Harbors Director Steve Corporon. That company says the additional work is not necessary unless the city wants a more uniform appearance. Corporon writes that it’s difficult to justify the additional expense for aesthetic purposes.
Thursday’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. in city council chambers. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting.
This report has been updated to include a link to the proposed ordinance.