Mimi Kotlarov’s Woven Birdhouse took Best of Show in the adult category for last year’s Alaska Hummingbird Festival Juried Art Show (US Forest Service Photo by Travis Mason-Bushman, Southeast Alaska Discovery Center)
Ketchikan’s Southeast Alaska Discovery Center has released the call for artists for its annual Alaska Hummingbird Festival juried art show.
The art show is in April, and coincides with the annual Alaska Hummingbird Festival. That month-long event includes bird walks, presentations and activities showcasing Alaska’s migratory birds.
The deadline for artwork is March 30th, and the show will open on April 6th. Artwork must include birds, avian habitat and/or migratory patterns for birds on a list provided with the entry form.
Click here for a copy of the entry form: Hummingbird festival call for artists