The City of Ketchikan plans to cut taxes a little this year.

On the Ketchikan City Council agenda Thursday is a motion to set the city property tax rate at 6.6 mills. The current rate of 6.7 mills has been in place since 2013.

In a memo, Finance Director Bob Newell writes that recent property value assessments increased overall values within city limits. That would have increased property tax revenue by almost $100,000.

Newell writes that lowering the city’s mill rate slightly would lower that extra revenue closer to 2018 budget projections.

City residents pay city and borough property taxes. The borough property tax rate is 5 mills, so if the motion passes on Thursday, city property owners will pay a combined 11.6 mills.

Also Thursday, the council will consider donating up to $10,000 to the Alaska Marine Highway System reform project, led by Southeast Conference. The city donated that amount in 2016.

The council also will discuss what to do with the former Ketchikan Regional Youth Facility. The city-owned building was a juvenile detention center until the state closed it down. The city offered the building for sale this spring, but didn’t receive any bids.

Thursday’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. in city council chambers. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting.