Various budget transfers to pay for overtime in City of Ketchikan and Ketchikan Public Utilities departments are on the city council agenda on Monday.

The council rescheduled its regular meeting for Monday because too many members were going to be out of town for the regular meeting day of Nov. 15th.

Overtime expenses for the city’s port and harbors, and fire department; and for KPU’s electric and telecommunications divisions led to requests for a total of $124,000 in budget transfers.

That’s on top of overtime that already had been budgeted for this year.

In a memo, Port and Harbors Director Steve Corporon says extra overtime pay in his department stems from seasonal employees who had to leave their jobs early, unexpected job vacancies due to resignations or terminations, and a lack of applicants for openings.

At the fire department, Fire Chief Abner Hoage reports that call volume was up. And, while overtime exceeds what was budgeted for this year, it matches the department’s overtime expenses from last year.

At the electric division, Manager Andy Donato writes that maintenance crew had to be on-the-job more because of the recent extended use of diesel generators. He says there also are open positions that current employees must cover.

At the telecommunications division, Marketing Manager Kim Simpson writes that various job vacancies are among the reasons for additional overtime. That also means a transfer from unused salaries to overtime can be accomplished without using any reserves.

The other requested transfers also would come from wages and other funds, rather than reserves.

Monday’s council meeting starts at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers at City Hall. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting.