A new center to help people facing a cancer diagnosis has opened at PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center.
A ribbon-cutting last week officially opened the Cornelia “Pinky” Brindle Cancer Resource Center. The center will have nurses and volunteers to provide educational information about cancer, and answer questions, according to PeaceHealth.
The center also will have supplies, such as wigs and scarves, and quilts made by local residents to provide comfort during chemotherapy.
Pinky Brindle died in 2008 after a five-year struggle with lung cancer. The Brindle family donated $100,000 to make the center possible.
According to PeaceHealth, several dozen people attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Former Ketchikan mayor Lew Williams III and his wife, Vicki, cut the ribbon. Williams is going through cancer treatment, and says it’s important to have a place with reliable information.

The center also will offer help with travel coordination, infusion schedules, appointments and supplies, according to PeaceHealth, and will work with First City Council on Cancer to connect outside services with those offered at the hospital.