Local officials announced one new case of COVID-19 in the Ketchikan area Wednesday. The First City has now seen 14 individuals test positive for the coronavirus.
In a news release, Ketchikan’s emergency operations center says the individual was a close contact of someone known to have the virus.
It’s the first new case in Ketchikan since Saturday. The emergency operations center said Wednesday that local providers have conducted 137 tests for the virus with 48 results pending. 10 people have recovered from COVID-19 in Ketchikan, officials say.
Statewide, 143 Alaskans have been infected with the virus, according to the state’s health department, with at least nine needing hospital care. Three Alaskans have died of COVID-19 as of 5 p.m. Wednesday.
This story has been updated with additional information from Ketchikan’s emergency operations center and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.