Ketchikan’s school board on Wednesday will consider accepting almost $3 million in grants for next school year — all but $100,000 of it from the  American Rescue Plan Act.. The federal funds are available for expenditures through the end of September, 2025.  Other grants are state and federal grants the district applies for and accepts annually.

Under routine business, the board is scheduled to approve five teacher contracts for next school year and approve a 3-year lease agreement with Holy Name School on behalf of Ketchikan Charter School.

The board also will hold a hearing on a proposed change to board policy on public comments. The board proposes substituting the word “complaints” for “comments” in three sections of policy,  and requiring that any complaints about school personnel be submitted in writing.

The board is also scheduled to meet in executive session to discuss negotiations with the Ketchikan Leadership Organization, the negotiating agency for all certified administrators, excluding the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Director and Business Manager.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in borough assembly chambers in the White Cliff Building. The meeting is also live streamed on the borough website, and carried on local cable channels. There will be time for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and during hearings.