It’s local election season in much of Alaska. Here’s a look at where things stand on Prince of Wales Island.
Candidate filings closed September 3 for elections in Craig and Thorne Bay, and voters in those communities will have choices for most seats.
In Craig, two candidates are vying for a 2-year term as mayor – incumbent Timothy O’Connor and challenger Chaundell Piburn.
For Craig City Council, incumbent James See is running unopposed for Seat C, a 3-year term.
For Seat D, also a 3-year term, incumbent Hannah Bazinet is being challenged by Trampus Conaster.
For Craig School Board, incumbent Joel Steenstra is running unopposed for a 3-year term. Two are vying for a 1-year term on school board – Jeremy Crews and Patricia Conaster. Incumbent Daniel Nelson is not seeking reelection.
In Thorne Bay, five seats are open on the city council. For Seat A, a 1-year term, incumbent Thom Cunningham faces challenger Robert Hartwell. For Seat B, also a 1-year term, incumbent Charles Jennings is being challenged by Dennis A. Sylvia.
In addition, there are three 3-year seats open on the Thorne Bay City Council. Cindy Edenfield is seeking reelection to Seat D. Edenfield is being challenged by Jeffrey “Bubba” Oatman.
For Seat F, incumbent Lee Burger is facing challenger Everett Cook.
And Shane Nyquest and Brad L. Clark are vying for Seat G. Incumbent Wes Craske is not seeking reelection.
Election officials in some other Prince of Wales Island communities are still taking applications from candidates who’d like to run.
The filing period for the City of Klawock closes at 3 p.m. on Friday, September 24th. There are two city council seats open.
Hydaburg’s filing period closes at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 25th There are two city council seats and two school board seats up, along with city mayor.
Municipal elections on Prince of Wales Island are October 5.
Metlakatla holds its municipal elections in November.