The Ketchikan Borough Assembly is set to hear from the public on five issues at its meeting Monday night.
There will be a public hearing about allowing assisted living facilities in high-density commercial and industrial zones. The proposed ordinance would amend the borough code to allow them with some conditions. Ketchikan’s Planning Commission recommends that the assembly approve the change. According to the borough, Ketchikan has approximately 17% of its total population in the senior age range.
Here is the borough assembly meeting agenda.
There will also be a public hearing on raising the borough’s sales tax cap from $2,000 to $4,000 on all nonexempt sales. Tax on residential rent would remain capped at $1,000. The last time the sales tax cap increased was in 2020 when both the borough and City of Ketchikan capped single-unit sales tax at $2,000.
Another public hearing looks at raising the fees for the Mud Bight Service Area. The ordinance would set new annual fees of a 2.75 mill levy for properties inside the service area. The change would increase revenue for the area by about $5,000. It’s supported by the service area’s board to increase funds for snow removal.
Two resolutions are also open for public testimony at the meeting. They both seek approval for applying for Denali Commission grants. One resolution authorizes the borough to apply for a $100,000 waterfront transportation grant from the Denali Commission. The grant would be for designing a Loring Dock stabilization project. The other resolution seeks a $50,000 surface transportation grant to extend the Parks Master Plan to incorporate the Borough’s trails.
Ketchikan’s Borough Assembly is scheduled to meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday evening in the White Cliff Building. The meeting in assembly chambers is livestreamed on local cable channels and the borough’s website. Members of the public can speak to the assembly during public hearings and at the beginning of the meeting.