Bob Siversten has filed for reelection to the Ketchikan City Council. Sivertson is vying for one of two three-year seats on the Council. The other seat up for election is currently held by DeAnn Karlson.
There is also a one-year seat open on the City Council. This is the seat currently held by Matt Olsen who announced his resignation.
The mayoral seat currently held by Lew Williams III is also up for election.
On the Borough side, two three-year terms are open on the Assembly. Those two seats are currently held by Todd Phillips and Jim Van Horn. Phillips is unable to run for reelection due to term limits. The City does not have term limits.
Three seats are also open on the Ketchikan School Board. Those seats are currently held by Ralph Beardworth, Stephen Bradford and Conan Steele. All seats have three-year terms.
As of story deadline, Sivertsen was the only candidate to file.
The filing period for Ketchikan City and Borough offices closes on August 25th.